Sunday, March 26, 2006

Two pence and a Thought

I heard through the grape-vine that you guys like to read whats going on in my mind. My deep thoughts. My crazy beneath.

So wheres my head at now aye? I'm wondering too!

I think I'm so confused, worried and bothered about heaps of stuff, because there's just so much to think about. And I've had no time to process and think about it.

Year 11 is ripping it out of me. Literally. There's so much work to be done and theres is no way near enough hours in the day to get it all done. Drama GCSE taking up about 5-8 hours a week to rehearse. DT coursework was meant to be completed nearly a week ago now and so thats taking up my spare time. Other little pathetic pieces of 'homework' that teachers give me just to take spite and get me more stressed because its some kind of sick joke. Will all this really ever finish? I'm actually looking forward to my GCSE's! To get into the exam rota for a month. Arrrrh, bliss! No pointless PSE lessons. No hanging around at lunchtimes. Not early mornings! Woohoo!

Sleep. In the bible, its says sleep is a gift from God...Why am I not getting that gift?!!! I'm having to drug myself at night now to konk out. - Doesn't sound too good aye?! Haha...ah well, we all have our mental issues. *cough cough* disabled nose.

Church. I may got shot for this part! But it's starting to feel like, I dunno, not work exactly. But just heaps of pressure. It's awesome being in the band and now a worship leader. And it's awesome getting encouragment from things that I could never think of (Thank You God), but it just seems like most people are finding it a struggle. I know I'm finding balancing God and my work a struggle. The youth just seems so tired and not as energised as they used to be. Which is discouraging for me, because I KNOW something hauuge is gonna happen this year, and I really don't want them to miss it. God is gonna move some day soon. And I cannot wait!

I'm always bankrupt in March. Theres mothers day, 8 birthdays and I always seem to have more of a expensive social life for some annoying reason! It think it should be named expensarch. (expensive march - just incase you didn't get it!)

Love. Sorry if anyone who is reading this, does this - but it really gets to me when people say 'Will I ever get my prince/princess?' And they're in the ages of teens. It's like...You're only about a tenth through your life...and you're already wanting your 'prince/princess'. Awesome if you've found him/her. But if you're searching, of course you're not gonna find 'the one'. You've got your whole life time to meet the person. Why waste it looking for things that come all in good time?

Myself. I've got so much to express. So much stuff locked away in my mind...I just need the key. I know there's stuff there, but when its gonna come - I do not know! Because I've been spending so much time with my family the last couple of months, I've really been able to come out of my shell! Maybe Ben and Nicola would say a bit too much, but it's fun. I'm still a huge fan of music, which will never change.

Mothers Day. Happy Mothers Day Mum! I have the best mum. ner ner ner ner ner!



At March 27, 2006 8:49 pm , Blogger Sarah said...

Hat... Its good to know that you are expressing yourself... As long as you aint holding it in.. You will find life less stressful but u know only God could ever get you the peace that we all search for in our lives...
This is a season hun! It only lasts for a bit then blessings always flow from it..
Like I always say chin up bubs.. Dont let Satan or people or school work or love get in the way of your relationship with God...
I know what it can do when you focus on the problems..
You become locked up in yourself and nothing or no one can help if you hide from it..
So be yourself always and its good that you and your family are getting on soooooooo well...
A bonus for sure.. Family are great when you have them close to your heart!
Love ya and keep smiling and shining for Jesus!!
ps: Its so awesome to know that you are a worship leader.. Go girl thats the best thing and I know God is attacking alot of youth but just keep the faith and everything else will be added unto you...
Love ya always Bianca xxxxxxxxx

At March 27, 2006 8:55 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

heya, wow! ... i thought u had a busy life but phew!!.. y dont u have a hat day, take the phone off the hook, get out your fav movie, face mask, foot spa, popcorn, fav music, duvet, pyjamas, hot chocolate, hot water bottle, completly de stress ...

mayb having a big break will clear your head, then u can make a fresh start of what u have 2 do .. check list? throw everything u need to do on paper! black and white!!

if thats not enough adive pray loads, let God hear ya troubles cos hes the best one too, and keep strong

Your becoming a real worship leader, salt and light all that jazz, and the num nut of the devil is just trying to put u down ... cos he knows you´ll lead loadsa people to jesus!! and Gods testing u too ...

just shine and keep ya head up, pray write it down and im always here

Lyds xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

At March 28, 2006 12:17 pm , Blogger Sarah said...

oops my bad i was meaning "SATAN IS ATTACKING ALOT OF THe YOUTH etc... oops my bad i must of been rushing it sorry.... xxxxxx
But u know what I mean aye? :o)

At March 30, 2006 3:25 pm , Blogger The Humanity Critic said...

Hang in there, everything will work itself out. You'll see. But, if you want a stress reliever, we can venture out and randomly throat-chop people we don't like. Hey, don't knock it until you've tried

At March 31, 2006 7:38 pm , Blogger RandomQueen said...

i think the reason im not as involved with church at the moment is because its becomming to much like a chore and its so repetitive, its like all we can do is what we know.. why cant we take some chances and make some changes just so that once in a while there is some spontinatey.
i know that this is probably only my opinion but hey, its whati feel.

i think the reason people *cough* like me *cough* say that they want to find they're prince/princess is maybe because either they dont feel loved (and)/or they just feel lonely.

i know what u mean about pse lessons, and lucky for you you get out of them soon, i have a yaer and a bit left of them!! grrr! oh well

love always nix xxxxx

ps. thursday night was soo fun cant wait till our next aplication group

At April 02, 2006 3:31 pm , Blogger MissHarwood said...

Thanks Serena. It was an awesome comment, and I didn't take it bad at all! :)

Thanks Bianca. Nice to know ya still care bout us english people!!! And I understood whatcha meant! I didn't realise it until you pointed it out!! haha

Cheers Lyds, but I'm not all for the pampering style as much as I was!

Cheers Eternity.xx Speak soon

Thats ok Clare. And the post was cool, I checked it out.

Humanity Critic, I think I'll leave the 'random throat-chopping' to you.

I know exactly whatcha mean Nicky, it is real repetitive. But in the end, u gotta think...who ya doing it for??

At April 02, 2006 3:32 pm , Blogger MissHarwood said...

I forgot to I look tired in that photo!!!!!



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