Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Once again, my heart welcomes you

I feel its time for me to give a update. But one thats interesting - or so I hope.

Loads of thoughts are going through my head at the moment. They're all so muddled up, they've merged together I can't make sense of some. Am I hurt, confused? Happy, understanding?

You think you really know someone, but everyone can keeps secrets. So what are they not telling you? Their pain is so deep they can't control it. All that is needed is a brave face - and you think they're okay. They pull on a front that fools everyone. It even manages to fool their closest friends. Deep pain.

I know a feeling that is just awesome there is nothing that can seem bad when that feeling has arrived. And all I need is a few minutes of that feeling, and Im off - happy as larry. You've felt that touch before my friend, you know the comfort, the love, it cleanses your heart, so why don't you want it? You know deep down its what helps. It holds you tight when you hurt, upset, shameful. Be big, brave and bold...ask for that comfort once again. You know it helps, don't avoid it...take advantage of it. please.

When I see people hurting, I feel for them. Its like I can feel their pain. Maybe Ive never been in their situation, but I can see it, I can see their hurt and what its causing them to do. To themselves and to others. I just want to hug them and hold them and let them know everything will be okay. But everytime I try, I get pushed away.

You're wanting to keep it bottled up inside, let no-one know. But you can't go on for much longer. You're hurting.

Something that really gets to me, is that in this day n age, the world is so engrossed in sex and boyfriends/girlfriends and 'finding the one' etc. that people are just so obsessed with it! If you see your friend Jamie walking round town with her friend Tim, then your brain automatically triggers the thought 'oooh, Jamie's with a guy...who is he?...They going out?' I know you can't help thinking it - heck I do! But man, its so dumb. But as loads of people agree, its so much easier to get along with the opposite sex. It just is, its a well known fact. officially made by missharwood copyright

A couple of days ago a friend said to me about another friend 'Yeah, she's someone who won't let any friends go'. I must say, I was up most pleased to here this friend say it about another friend of mine. It really boosted my confidence in her! So go her! And it made me think, I wanna be a friend who won't let my friends go. But at the same time, I don't want to be a clingy friend, because they are the worst!

Its hard when you loose closeness with a good friend, but as ive realised recently...just keep building the friendship back up. And it works! Yup, friends do rule. I'd be no where without them!

Recently Ive had people say to me so much 'make the most of it while you have it'. And everytime I heard that I always thought I can't because...I can't, but maybe I shouldn't be thinking about how I want more and more each time, but just be greatful with the time I do have. Because every moment counts. Each memorie priceless. Memories to hold on for life.

And you might think that some of the 'memories' are regrets. But nope, nu ah. I have no regrets this year. Or any year really. All my mistakes are mistakes that I can look over, learn from and move on in a stronger person which these mistakes have made me.

Theres heaps of stuff Ive wanted to rip out of my diary and throw away because it was a huge mistake, but a wise old owl told me 'no, leave them in because then you can look back on your mistakes and learn from them'. So thank you wise old owl...thats what Ive been doing, and its been so much help.

Won't you come to me

to the cross

I paid the price for you

shared my blood

It was for you that I bled and died

I gave the ultimate sacrifice


At December 08, 2005 3:53 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

well if u were such a great freind u wudnt have to keep saying 'u need to be ther for them' u wud just kno that and you wuld not even need to say it everyone does it its just the way things work some just make more fuss about it

At December 11, 2005 3:32 pm , Blogger RandomQueen said...

wel u obviously have no friends anon as all u do is moan and groan at everything and everyone! get a life!
great post by the way hat
lvin ya ldz niki xx


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