Wednesday, September 02, 2009


Yes I am.

Had a meal with my Mummy and Daddy and Mummy and Daddy in law to be tonight :)
Was a lot of fun. A bit embarrasing and awkward at times :)

But I'm so blessed by them all. So blessed with the family I'm marrying in to. So blessed that both parents get along spiffingly. So blessed of my future husband.

Wanna know how he proposed?
We went to 'The Lakes' for a holiday - camping. (The Lake District)
One night, it was raining extremely hard, any harder would've been a storm.
We tried to lite our 'Griliput' under the umbrella we were crouching under and after about 15 minutes it started going on its own. So we had a little camp fire - in the almost-storm.
Then we sat down with a glass of wkd each and got chatting about us and our lives and stuff. Then we started talking about what we liked about each other...then Jak said 'so let's go.'

And as I got up to leave, Jak knelt down, (in a puddle) and held a beautiful ring out and 'popped the question.' It was so lovely and I was so unbelievably happy, I dont think I've been that happy in a long time and I said yes!

So tonight we got together with both parents and started talking about the wedding. Wow. I'm so excited to start organising it. I love organising big things, so this will be a lot of fun.

God has blessed me so much constantly and I'm so grateful. He knows all that I need and so I'm more than happy to bow down to him and be blessed by him.
Do the same. It can only get better.