What a lonely moment
Well this is a low point.Tonight is the Halloween night for the students night out, so I'm not going.
Also adding to the reason why I shouldn't go is the fact that I have no money because it's being saved for the wedding.
I really just want to go to someones house, a friends house, hang out, watch tv. Be in a house. I'm confind to this little room with nothing more to entertain me than a laptop, music and a guitar. I know that seems enough to entertain someone...but it's company I want.
I want to see my friends. I want to hang out with people. I want to have a chat with someone.
But, I've started properly learning guitar. I've learn E Minor. Fingers hurt a little, but it's all good. I'll keep you updated. Whoever you are.
It would be nice to know if anyone reads this. Maybe leave a comment?
I'm just gonna spend time with God.
I read it =) You don't know me but I am having a down evening aswell. I'm really trying to focus on God but it feels so hard sometimes. I don't really know what God wants me to do, it's so frustrating, I don't know what to do after this college, and I don't even know which country to study or work in. My heart is in missionarywork and I really want to travel to countries in poverty and help, but I don't see a way right now. :(
But still, we must not forget that God is faithful and He knows our heart and He loves us deeply and knows exactly where our life is going to go.
I pray that tomorrow will be better for you :) (and for me too) and may our heavenly Father bless you.
Goodnight =)
Thank you for the comment!
I spent my evening with God, in worship and decorating my room with bible verses. So I was alright after a while :)
I love your passion for the mission work. I'd suggest asking you paster/elder/church leader if he has any links that might be useful, and ask friends.
Theres also lots of groups that you might not have heard of people, just search online for something like Christian Mission work travels.
I pray for God to show you the way, to provide something to satisfy this hunger of yours and to draw you closer to him :)
Thank you
PS. Dya feel better today?
Hi! Ohhhh that's so cool that you decorated your room with bibleverses =) What is your favorite one?
Thanks for the helpful comments!! =) I think I will follow your advise for sure.
I am feeling a lot better today, I just went to a christian young adult group and it was really good to worship God :)
How are you feeling today? Are you ok? =) Oh and good luck with the guitar! At first it might be a little confusing or hard but after practising a while you'll be able to play great!!
I just read that you're from the UK :) Amazing! I was born and grew up most of my life in the Netherlands but am now studying in the USA.
So when you read this it'll be morning there. Have a great day and God bless you!
Good luck with the guitar! I tried for a couple of months and then seemed to give up. haha. But the fingers do feel much better after the first month or so. :)
heeey hat its sylvie :) remember me....???
i was on ur facebook and saw ur blog link, cant believe u still write it lol!! yeah i totally get what u mean about only having a room witha laptop at uni, sometimes gets lonely, u should gather all ur friends and just hang out on ur bed.tis what i do
how are you anyways??? xx
lots and lots of love
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