Sunday, August 07, 2005

Positive People

Jayme is confident. She's not perfect. She doesn't look like a model. She has a few spots, and she can't wait till her braces come off. But she's happy. She likes herself. And everyone around her knows it. That's probably why she has lots of friends.
Sabrina struggles with self-esteem. She's a cute girl but is usually plagued with self-doubt. She has friends, but they often tire of hearing her put herself down.
Both girls are Christians, and both are involved in the youth group at their local church. So what gives?
Jayme has learned the advantage of positive self-talk. Example:Both girls are hungary, and instead of waiting for dinner, they each grab a slice of cake. Later, Sabrina thinks, I'm so stupid! Why did I eat that? I'm so hopeless I couldn't wait until my dinner. Ugh! I'll never lose that five pounds I've been trying to get rid of.
Jayme later thinks, I should've waited until dinner to eat. Grabbing that slice of cake wasn't a good choice. I probably should've eaten a couple of carrots or an apple instead. Okay, so next time I'll remember how I feel now after eating the slice of cake, and I'll grab something healthier instead. I've learned from my mistake, and I'll be more careful nest time. I'm determined to lose those five pounds.
Notice the difference? You have a choice. Each time you blow it, you can either get down on yourself, or you can replace the negative with the positive. Instead of thinking, What if he doesn't like me? (a negative though), replace it with a positive spin such as, How can I make a good impression?
Instead of thinking, I'll probably flunk the test anyway. Shift your thoughts to, How can I best prepare for this test?

Ready to try it? Here are 10 positive things I can almost guarantee you have. Focus on these qualities about yourself and regularly add to the list! When you catch yourself thinking negatively, determine to shirt to positive thinking instead. You can use suggestions from this list of positive qualities, or you can come up with more!
  1. I have a terrific Smile!
  2. I enjoy helping others feel good about themselves
  3. I have nice penmanship
  4. I like surprising my friends with something fun
  5. I love God and am loved by him as though I were the only one in all the world to love!
  6. My eyes twinkle when I smile
  7. People enjoy being around me when I'm happy
  8. I give great compliments to others.
  9. I'm nice
  10. I love to laugh

Memorise this verse, and when you start to think negative thoughts, say it aloud: "Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things" - Philippians 4:8


At August 07, 2005 6:25 pm , Blogger MissHarwood said...

yay! my first comment!

i thought it would be a really good blog for some people, so im glad u enjoyed it ludo!

At September 05, 2005 4:16 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I lv feelin pos its much better than neg!!!! i also lv bein hyper and havin fun theres not much point to life if not havin fun!! gr8 blog hat xxx


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